![]() ![]() The Montana Department Commerce Announces Availability of $500,000 in Grant Funding to Support Destination Events in Montana. The Montana Department of Commerce announced today that applications will now be accepted for Recovery Destination Event Grants. Available through the Tourism Grant Program, a total of $500,000 of funding is now available to support established and new destination events that will increase non-resident and resident visitor attendance and generate revenue to Montana communities. “Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several major events have been either rescheduled or canceled across the state, causing a negative economic impact for many Montana communities,” said Commerce Director Scott Osterman. “As the state’s economy continues to recover from the pandemic, these Destination Event grants will help Montana communities bounce back through the economic boost tied to these events,” Osterman added. Applications for the grant funding will be open to registered non-profit 501(c) organizations, tribal governments, city governments, and county governments based in Montana. Eligible event costs that can be supported with grant funds include: Advertising and marketing costs to increase non-resident and resident attendance, such as traditional advertisement, digital marketing campaigns, social media post boosts, social media ads, e-communications, and geo-fencing. Event infrastructure costs like portable restrooms, wash stations, and 25 percent of the rental costs for a permanent venue or facility where the recovery destination event will take place. Signage expenses including production, construction, and installation costs of non-permanent signage directing attendees to the event, direct mailers, and banners announcing the recovery destination event. Applications will be considered, reviewed, scored, and awarded on an on-going basis until all $500,000 of grant funding is awarded or until June 1, 2022; whichever occurs first. Learn more and apply for a Recovery Destination Event Grant at MARKETMT.COM. Recovery Destination Event grants are funded by the 4% Lodging Facility Use Tax, commonly known as the “Bed Tax.” Enacted by the 1987 Legislature, the Bed Tax is collected from guests of hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, guest ranches, resorts, short-term vacation rentals, and campgrounds. |
Wild Wings Event Needs Food Vendors

Wild Wings in Choteau will hold an event March 25-27, 2022 to celebrate the spring snow geese migration. We hope to recognize the travelers, local residents and businesses that support this event. We are making a call-out to local food businesses to be present as outdoor food vendors on Friday, March 25 in the evening and Saturday, March 26 in the afternoon. We anticipate 50 to 100 attendees.
For more information, please contact Nancy Milewski at nhmserene@hotmail.com.
56STRONG – SBA Program
56Strong will connect women entrepreneurs and business leaders from all of Montana’s 56 counties through a mentorship program.
The program will be facilitated by Chris Carter and Shayna Blaser with the MT Women’s Business Center.
The goals of this mentorship program are to:
- Bridge the gap between the urban and rural divide
- Support female entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses
- Increase female businesses across the state of Montana
- Help women gain access to capital
- Support and build resiliency amongst female professionals
The program will run for six months with a virtual kick-off meeting in January and a virtual conclusion meeting in June. The expectation is that mentors and mentees will meet monthly for about one-hour between February and June. The meeting times and days will be set by the mentors and mentees.
This program is FREE to all participants. The value of the program is approximately $3,000 per mentee.
Applications to participate in 56Strong are due by Dec. 17, 2021.
A mentee is an individual who receives advice, assistance, and feedback from a more experienced person over a set period of time, resulting in the enhancement of the mentee’s knowledge and development.
Requirements to be a mentee:
- Must be a woman located in Montana
- Must be 21 years or older
- Must be able to dedicate ~1-2 hours per month to the program
- Must be open to feedback and learning from someone else
Here’s how to get started:
- Complete the Mentee application by December 17, 2021
- You will be asked for your Meyers Briggs Type Indicator on the application to help us in the matching process. You can take the free assessment at this link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/pe…
- Participate in a 30-minute Zoom interview so we can get to know you better – your career goals and current challenges that this program can help you with
A mentor’s role is to serve as a guide, helping a mentee to navigate transitions, sharing insights around others’ perceptions, encouraging her mentee to expand her skills, leading mentees in personal exploration, and challenging mentees with fresh ideas. A mentor shares wisdom so that the mentee can learn from the life experiences of the mentor.
Requirements to be a mentor:
- Must be a woman located in Montana with 50% business ownership or a C-Suite executive
- Must have 5+ years experience as an owner or in the current business field
- Must be able to dedicate ~1 hour per month to the program
- Willing to share experiences, offer advice and provide direction
- Has a proven track record of effective decision-making skills
- A good listener who can help her mentee address problems and offer guidance
Here’s how to get started:
- Complete the Mentor application by December 17, 2021
- You will be asked for your Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) on the application to help us in the matching process. You can take the free assessment at this link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/pe…
- Participate in a 30-minute Zoom interview so we can get to know you better – your experience, your knowledge, and the areas in which you can help a mentee
Please note: we recruit 20% more mentors than we need for the program to match each mentee’s need. If you are not matched in this program cohort, we will keep your information on hand for future program participation.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 56strong@prosperamt.org
SBA Hosts Virtual Small Business Panel in Recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month
SBA Celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month
The U.S. Small Business Administration will host a live online panel session to recognize entrepreneurs with disabilities and discuss how they have used SBA financial assistance to help pivot their businesses, overcome challenges, and build back better. Assistant Administrator for the SBA’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights, Zina Sutch, Ph.D., will lead the two-part conversation, focusing on disability awareness, inclusion, and hiring employees with disabilities as an untapped source of talent.
WHEN: Thursday, October 28, 2021, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (ET)
WHO: Dr. Zina Sutch, Assistant Administrator, SBA’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Civil Rights
- Alicia Hernandez, CEO, DAP Construction Management, Tempe, AZ
- Tomas Santos-Alejandro, CEO, Advent Services, Panama City, FL
HOW: Registration is required. Click here to register or visit https://sbadisabilityemploymentawarenessmonth.eventbrite.com.
This event will be recorded.
All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. SBA’s support of or participation in this event is not an endorsement of any product, service, or entity. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least seven days in advance of this event; please send an email to reasonableaccommodation@sba.gov with the subject header “ACCOMMODATION REQUEST”.
About the U.S. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration helps power the American dream of business ownership. As the only go-to resource and voice for small businesses backed by the strength of the federal government, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources and support they need to start, grow or expand their businesses, or recover from a declared disaster. It delivers services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations. To learn more, visit www.sba.gov.
USDA Collaborates with Montana Small Business Partners and Stakeholders
Please join Oscar Gonzales, Assistant Secretary for Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), for a meeting with Montana’s community based organizations which support their local small businesses. USDA will be discussing opportunities to collaborate in support of small businesses owned by rural, minorities, women, veterans and those with disabilities.
The meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2021, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm EST, for Montana Partners and Stakeholders. USDA will use the Microsoft TEAMS platform.
Please RSVP with to Jacqueline Davis-Slay Jacqueline.davis-slay@usda.gov by Wednesday, September 22, 2021, and confirm your participation by accepting the TEAMS invite.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jacqueline by email or at 202-422-2551.
Eviction Guidance and Resources
An Important Message from our HUD Partners
Montana Department of Commerce sent this bulletin at 09/17/2021 09:00 AM MDT
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that invalidated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) eviction moratorium, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is using every tool at our disposal to help safeguard the millions of the nation’s individuals and families now in danger of losing their homes.
Our programs and resources protect HUD-assisted households from eviction and should be sought out by all Americans who are seeking assistance in avoiding eviction, relocating to new homes in the event an eviction moves forward, and fighting unfair evictions. Through our Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, we are ready to protect people of color, families with children, people with disabilities, LGBTQ people, and others who may disproportionately face eviction through discriminatory policies and practices.
HUD also has a responsibility to assist landlords, owners, public housing authorities, and all of our stakeholders in weathering this public health crisis.
HUD and our partners are taking a broad range of actions to help prevent evictions. They include:
- Fighting unfair evictions – HUD is making over $19 million available to fair housing partners to help them respond to possible fair housing violations, many of which relate to the pandemic and evictions. The funds will enable private fair housing enforcement organizations to respond to fair housing inquiries and complaints, conduct fair housing testing, and implement education and outreach activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds will also be used to address fair housing issues affecting individuals and families experiencing housing instability, including those who may face displacement due to discriminatory evictions and foreclosures. HUD is also ramping up funding and education for HUD-approved housing counseling agencies to work with clients to understand their options if they are facing eviction.
- Providing legal assistance – HUD is making $20 million available to non-profit or governmental entities to improve the availability of legal assistance at no cost to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction. These funds will provide services in areas with high rates of evictions or prospective evictions, including rural areas. This grant program plays an integral role in helping individuals and families—including people of color, people with limited English proficiency, and people with disabilities—avoid eviction or minimize the disruption and damage caused by the eviction process.
- Keeping people housed – HUD has instituted an eviction moratorium to protect borrowers with HUD-supported or FHA-insured mortgages. This includes people living on Tribal lands with HUD Section 184 Indian Home Loans. HUD will also act to require public housing authorities and owners participating in HUD’s project-based rental assistance program to provide tenants facing eviction for non-payment of rent with additional time and other protections to allow them the opportunity to secure emergency rental assistance that may stave off eviction entirely. For the duration of the presidentially-declared national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD will extend the time its programmatic regulations require before a tenant must vacate a unit once a notice of lease termination for non-payment has been issued from 14 days to 30 days, consistent with CARES Act protections and the protections already in place for FHA-insured Multifamily mortgages where the borrower is under a forbearance agreement. Additionally, in order to initiate eviction, HUD may require additional steps of covered landlords.
- Connecting people with rent and utility relief – HUD is working with the Department of Treasury to help Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) grantees connect tenants behind on rent and utilities with financial assistance. Throughout this year, HUD has brought our expertise on housing programs to Treasury, providing advice and assistance on program design and implementation, and engaged HUD-approved housing counseling agencies. As part of a whole-of-government approach, we call on state and local ERAP grantees to lean into the flexibilities provided in this program and get assistance out quickly to those who need it the most.
- Providing Tools to Help Public Housing Authorities, HUD-assisted Landlords/Tenants, and People Experiencing Homelessness – HUD program offices have delivered webinars, created documents answering frequently asked questions, granted waivers to ease administrative burdens created by the pandemic, and are distributing relief resources such as Emergency Housing Vouchers and additional assistance to people experiencing homelessness as quickly as possible.
Eviction prevention resources, tools, and training for HUD’s grantees will continue to be posted to HUD Exchange as they are available. A selection of resources include:
- Rental Housing Counseling and Eviction Prevention [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
- Tools for Landlords with Tenants Impacted by COVID-19 [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
- Tenant Guidance: Rent Repayment Plans [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
- Homeless System Response: Strategies for Eviction Prevention [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
- NFHTA Forum: On the Brink: The Looming Eviction Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
- Rent relief resources [hudexchange.us5.list-manage.com]
Research on Evictions, their Prevention, and Best Practices
- Benefits of Eviction Diversion Programs [huduser.gov] (HUD)
- Eviction Prevention and Diversion Programs Early Lessons from the Pandemic [urban.org] (Urban Institute)
- Achieving Housing Stability with Eviction Diversion Programs during COVID and Beyond [rhls.org] (Regional Housing Legal Services)
- The High Cost of Eviction: Struggling to Contain a Growing Social Problem [open.mitchellhamline.edu] (Mitchell Hamline Law Journal)
- Emerging Best Practices for COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Programs [aspeninstitute.org] (The Aspen Institute)
HUD is here to help. You can find more information https://www.hud.gov/rent_relief [hud.gov] and you can also reach out to your local field office [hud.gov].
Commerce’s Red Tape Review Meeting and October Public Comment
The Montana Department of Commerce wants your help.
On January 5, 2021, Governor Gianforte signed an executive order creating the Red Tape Relief Advisory Council to implement regulatory reform. Regulatory reform is defined as a comprehensive review to revise over-complicated regulations and ensure regulations are user-friendly and easy to understand.
The process will be thorough and careful to preserve regulations necessary to implement legislative directives. The goal is to implement a comprehensive review of statutes, regulations and processes to identify:
- Excessive, outdated and unnecessary regulations.
- Regulations that are especially burdensome on Montana’s farmers, ranchers and business owners.
- Regulations that disproportionately impact small businesses.
Commerce needs your help to identify what regulations are particularly burdensome and difficult to understand. Do you have an idea to help Commerce implement regulatory reform?
To help you better understand our review process and answer your questions, on September 29, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Commerce will host an in person meeting at the Park Avenue Building Room 228.
For those who are interested with a virtual meeting option as well, please see zoom details below. At the meeting, Commerce staff will discuss the Governor’s Red Tape Relief Review Process in more detail and will be available to answer any questions you may have about our process and the upcoming public comment period.
A public comment period will be open from October 1 through October 31, 2021. Comments can be sent to docredtape@mt.gov or here.
Meeting ID: 817 2189 7292
Password: 908359
Updated Teton County Wellness Resources
The Teton County Health Department has updated their Teton County Behavioral Health Wellness Resources handout.
Chamber members and other local businesses are asked to print a copy to post for their staff or email it out their staff.

1st Annual Gary Passmore Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser Golf Scramble
Join in on supporting this great cause. This fundraiser is on Sunday, September 19th, 9am registration and 10am shotgun start. $200 per 4-person team. 18 holes and dinner after golf. Call 406-466-2020 for more information.

Sweet Grass Development will be hosting a workshop for business startups/business plans.
Monday August 24th in the back of the library
Allison Gleason Room
5:30pm to 8pm
Their website link
About Sweet Grass
Sweetgrass Development is a private, non-profit corporation created in 2004 to support economic development in the counties of Cascade, Glacier, Pondera, Teton and Toole, as well as the Blackfeet Nation and Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana. We are a diverse area that includes a large metropolitan area, many small towns, rural farming areas, several Hutterite Colonies, Glacier National Park, and the Blackfeet Reservation.
Sweetgrass Development staff works to advance the regional economy through business technical assistance, Brownfields assessments, grant writing, community networking, and much more. As a federally certified Economic Development District (EDD), we bring unique benefits to our five counties, including:
What they do for businesses
Sweetgrass Development can help with every step of your project from creating a plan to finding loans, grants, and partnerships to help businesses and entities grow and succeed. We can also provide technical assistance including software such as LivePlan and QuickBooks..