GFDA RFP: Lead Generation Services

Get more about the RFP details on the GFDA website.

The Great Falls Montana Development Authority is seeking a firm(s) with economic development business attraction experience to provide lead generation services.

We have a wide-open view of what types and scope of lead generation services could provide the highest ROI. We seek a long-term relationship with the selected firm(s) to boost our attraction results.

We anticipate executing an annual contract(s) with the selected firm(s) in the range of $25,000-$75,000 per annum. We may engage the selected firm(s) to provide additional research, strategic planning and/or other economic development services.

An electronic copy of the proposal should be submitted in PDF format by email, Dropbox or other electronic file sharing method by 5:00 PM MST on Friday, March 27, 2020 to Brett Doney at

Prepare for Coronavirus & Other Disasters

The spread of COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) doesn’t mean it’s time to panic, it means it’s time to prepare.

In a February 24th article on the Inc. website “The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Change the Way You Work. Here’s How to Prepare Your Company” the author discusses how to prepare your company for a pandemic by planning to push for remote working. A perfect opportunity for remote workers in Choteau, but not necessarily relevant for Choteau businesses who may not be directly affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

What is relevant for Choteau businesses however is to start thinking about a few contingencies for this outbreak, or other disasters: what happens if tourism is down this summer? What happens if my suppliers aren’t able to get ship my product due to a lag in the supply chain?

These are just a couple of questions to think about, but what are other questions to think about for your Choteau business?

Opinion: Rural Needs a Positive Vision to Survive

Downtown Choteau Facing North

I came across this opinion piece in my inbox this morning, and it really resounds with me insofar as my 2020 plan to be specifically intentional in everything I do.

Every person who wants Choteau to be a loving, living, and thriving community needs to read this opinion piece and ask themselves, are they welcome?

“Rural communities will be saved by the people who want to live there. They were created by people who wanted to live there. Rural communities were created by people hoping to become business owners, land owners or employees of a good company. There are more people in need of those same opportunities than at any time since World War II. If they are welcomed to rural places, they will fill the schools, run the grocery stores and publish the county paper. Are they welcome?”

Bill Patrie, Daily Yonder

Register Now: Economic Outlook Seminar 2020: Finding Good Workers

Register for the EOS Here.

The Economic Outlook Seminar will be in Great Falls at the Hilton Garden Inn on January 29 from 8am – 1pm.

You might be interested in this seminar if you’re looking for good workers for your business. “The days of running a help wanted ad in the newspaper and receiving a stack of applications is a distant memory in Montana – and it’s not necessarily due to a strong economy and low unemployment. In today’s knowledge-based, social media connected and information-rich economy, the rules of engagement between candidates and companies have changed. The economic success of local communities and the entire state depends on making the best match between workers and workplaces. Montana has some advantages in attracting talent, but there are plenty of things we could do better. “

BBER economists will present national, state and local economic forecasts for each seminar city and industry experts will give their outlook for Montana’s important sectors, including tourism, health care, real estate and housing, agriculture, manufacturing, energy and forest products.

Nominate a Choteau Tourism Business for Award

Via the Montana Department of Commerce:

We are now accepting nominations for the 2020 Tourism Awards. These awards recognize outstanding accomplishments of the people, businesses, organizations and communities that strengthen Montana’s tourism and recreation industries.
Nominations are open from January 16, 2020 – February 16, 2020.

There are quite a few Choteau Chamber members who are excellent tourism businesses! Nominate one today!

Montana Census Website Launchedf

Montana’s Census Complete Count Committee has recently launched a new 2020 Census Website, CENSUS.MT.GOV.

The new website has been designed to offer a user-friendly experience with improved navigation and easy-to-find resources. The new site includes 2020 Census information and resources specific to Montana like maps, flyers, and social media graphics.

Responding to the Census is quick, easy and safe. For every Montana resident counted, a Census study estimates the state receives $20,000 over the decade for funding healthcare programs, public education programs, highways and housing. Census data shapes Montana’s voting districts and will also determine whether Montana will get a second representative in Congress. 

Choteau Childcare Work Group Survey

If you are a parent of children who need childcare, please take the Port Authority’s survey so we as a community can better assess our childcare needs. Please share the survey with other parents you know in the Choteau Community!

On January 9th, the Choteau Area Port Authority held a work meeting to establish it’s Childcare Taskforce. We here at the Chamber know that finding childcare is not just a challenge for families and their home life, but for businesses and their employees, too.

Article after article notes that lack of sufficient childcare is not a problem unique to Choteau, or even Montana, but the solutions to our problems are going to have to come from within our community.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has great information about the types of partnerships that can help our community succeed:

It is clear that high-quality, affordable, and accessible childcare plays a significant role in ensuring our companies and our country remain competitive and contribute to our overall economic growth and development.

U.S. Chamber Foundation – Building Bridges: Creating Strong Partnerships for Early Childhood Education

If you have thoughts or are interested in Childcare in Choteau, please contact Blair Patton who is Chairing Port Authority’s Work Group.