“Why Choose Montana?” Survey

Thank you for taking the Choose Montana Survey! 

Your perspective will be invaluable as we look to craft our messaging, provide tools and resources, and uncover testimonials that we can use to support the state’s workforce attraction efforts. 

The survey should take you about 5-10 minutes to complete. The current campaign is focused on attracting individuals, not companies, so please keep this in mind as you answer the survey. 

If you have others in your contact database who may also offer a valuable perspective on this matter, feel free to share this link. 

Many thanks! 
Director of Commerce, Scott Osterman

Opinion: Rural Needs a Positive Vision to Survive

Downtown Choteau Facing North

I came across this opinion piece in my inbox this morning, and it really resounds with me insofar as my 2020 plan to be specifically intentional in everything I do.

Every person who wants Choteau to be a loving, living, and thriving community needs to read this opinion piece and ask themselves, are they welcome?

“Rural communities will be saved by the people who want to live there. They were created by people who wanted to live there. Rural communities were created by people hoping to become business owners, land owners or employees of a good company. There are more people in need of those same opportunities than at any time since World War II. If they are welcomed to rural places, they will fill the schools, run the grocery stores and publish the county paper. Are they welcome?”

Bill Patrie, Daily Yonder