ITRR: Tourism and Recreation Data Questionnaire

As you’re all aware, we’re living in an increasingly data-driven society.  Everybody everywhere seems to be worried about data.  How do we get more data?  What do we do with the data?  What does the data mean?  Data, data, data!  No surprise that many of you are actively collecting and interested in data!
With all the data out there, the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research (ITRR) would like to compile a list of data sources that are currently collected or purchased by the tourism industry and related businesses/organizations in Montana.  The objectives of compiling this list are:

  • To better determine costs, collection needs, and feasibility of future research projects.
  • To connect and better serve the tourism industry and stakeholders when data or research are available outside of ITRR.
  • To possibly reduce data collection costs and efforts across the tourism industry and stakeholders.
  • To better coordinate data and research for all users (when feasible).
  • To catalog past research and data collection efforts.

Please take the time (approximately 5 minutes) to complete the following survey and answer each of the questions to the best of your ability.  If you are purchasing the data, please take a moment to review the proprietary nature of your data service before beginning the survey.

Feel free to contact Matthew Pettigrew at ITRR with any questions or concerns.
406-243-5635 OR

If you are a tourism-based business, follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey