Register Now: Enewsletters as a Marketing Power House

Register for the Webinar

Is your eNewsletter a little on the – um – boring side? Are your open rates flat? Your click rates through the floor? Do you ever wonder why you are sending an e-newsletter at all? It’s time for a change.

What will I learn?
Good news! 2020 is your year to punch up that electronic newsletter and make it work for you instead of the other way around. In this webinar, we will challenge you to take a hard look at this trusty (if time-worn) place marketing tool and consider ways to turn it into the lead generation tool it really should be.

What will we be covering?

  • Why are you even sending an e-newsletter (or why AREN’T you sending an e-newsletter?)
  • Know your audience
  • Define – and achieve – objectives that will make it worth your while
  • Content. Content. Content – Where to get it & how to make it interesting.
  • Tracking results (how, where & when)
  • Much, much more!

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.