Promoting Choteau – Ads Results, Marketing & Branding Kit

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Thanks to a couple of grants that are being coordinated by the Choteau Area Port Authority, the Choteau Tourism Business Improvement District, and us here at the Choteau Chamber of Commerce a couple of things have happened; first, the Choteau Acantha has published a Choteau Branding & Marketing Guide, complete with a how-to packet, verbiage and headlines, photos you can use, and more! You can find the full branding guide at

Using the assets from the Choteau Branding & Market Guide, the Acantha has created and published several digital ads, geared toward promoting Choteau and events: skiing Teton Pass, coming to Choteau for the bird migration, spending time in the Choteau area for outfitting, hiking, hunting, fishing, and camping, promoting dinosaur dig expeditions with the Montana Dinosaur Center, celebration of 4th of July, and finally promoting RSVPs at Choteau restaurants for Valentine’s Day.

So far, the results have been great!

The ads creation process is worth discussing, briefly: the combination of the photos from the photo library (and a few other folks involved in the process), the ad text and headlines written by the Acantha, and our digital market platform we can create dynamic ads. Each ad set can generate 1,250 ad combinations that can be placed in 12 different ad spots – 15,000 unique ads per topic! We’re currently running 8 topics, so that means we have created and are running 120,000 unique ads.

Over time, the ad platform will learn which demographics (male vs female, by age, by relationship status, hobbies and interests, etc.) like which combinations. As more ads are shown, the ads will algorithmically become more effective and drive down the cost per click!

Over time, the ad platform will learn which demographics (male vs female, by age, by relationship status, hobbies and interests, etc.) like which combinations. As more ads are shown, the ads will algorithmically become more effective and drive down the cost per click!

A Couple More Webinars: Apprenticeships & Succession Planning

crop freelancer with notebook and multimedia gadgets at cafe table

There are a couple more webinars we wanted to share with you in the coming weeks, the first on January 20th at 2:30p is an info session about how your business might be able to utilize apprenticeships. The second is a webinar about succession planning for Montana businesses; strategies for your and your business’ exit plan.

When: 1/20/2021 2:30pm

Apprenticeship is a proven education and workforce strategy that combines paid, structured, on-the-job training with related, classroom learning. Through the Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship, the Montana Youth Apprenticeship Partnership is expanding opportunities for employers to grow their workforce through apprenticeship, and for students to engage in meaningful work experiences that lead to viable career paths.
Join Kelly Cresswell, Reach Higher Montana Executive Director, and Jason Butcher, Reach Higher Montana Outreach Director, to learn more about leveraging youth apprenticeship as part of your workforce development strategy.

When: 1/27/2021 12:00pm
The Montana Chamber of Commerce is offering a webinar called Planning and Executing Successful Montana Business Transitions.

In the US today, there are over 7 million private companies that have owners that over the age of 55 and there has been $1.5T raised to buy those companies. In addition, Montana continues to attract strategic acquirers looking to capitalize of the state’s economic growth (#8 in the US) and tailwinds tied to a national reverse migration (leaving cities for rural locales).

Whether transitioning to the next generation/key employee, selling to a competitor or a private equity firm, planning is key to a successful outcome.
We welcome you and your clients to participate in a 90-minute session hosted by the Montana Chamber covering legal, accounting, wealth management, valuation and succession planning topics.

Volunteer Help Wanted!

people doing group hand cheer

We need YOUR help making 2021 Choteau events happen!

We are hoping for the best for 2021 and we need help to ensure that all the great events our community is known for happen. Please sign up using the form below, and please distribute the form within your organizations: we need all hands on deck to keep this community great.

Please, share this link via email, text, or social media, and anywhere else you might have potential volunteers!

Continue reading “Volunteer Help Wanted!”

Teton County Health Resources

self care isn t selfish signage

Community Stakeholders,

The Teton County CARES Alliance is committed to sharing resources to help residents facing behavioral health challenges. CARES has developed a list of local, state and national mental health resources.

During this COVID-19 pandemic our community members may be experiencing stress, anxiety, fear and loneliness due to our changed daily routines, social distancing from friends and family and financial stress.

Some people are concerned about themselves or others getting sick. Many community members are concerned with what the future may bring.

Some people are experiencing anxiety and/or depression who have never experienced either of those conditions before. Others who have current mental health disorders may see their symptoms worsen. Some people may self-medicate with alcohol, drugs or other substances.

We are fortunate to have many local mental health professionals who provide counseling services. In-person, phone & video-conferencing sessions are available. Please share this resource. You are welcome to print this and share with clients, staff and co-workers. We also encourage you to print a copy to post at your location and email it out to staff.

If you are not currently a CARES Alliance member and are interested in joining one of our meetings, please email me and I will send you the link to our meetings. We meet online through Zoom the third Tuesday of every month at 10 am. Our next meeting is January 19, 2021.

Please let contact Dawn Gunderson if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Dawn Gunderson
Teton County Health Department
905 4th Street NW
Choteau, MT 59422
406-466-2562 (office)
406-788-4207 (cell)
406-466-5292 (fax)

ICYMI: Grant program announced for women-owned businesses

serious woman working on laptop in library


You can find details on on the Impact Grant here:

Women-owned businesses have a chance to earn some extra funding thanks to a special grant program held statewide.

For the third year, the Montana Women’s Business Center will hold its “Impact Grant” competition.

Applicants can begin applying on January 18.

ICYMI: Free webinars planned to help small businesses in Montana

photo of woman using her laptop

Via the Williston Herald:

Job Service has put together a series of educational ZOOM sessions for employers. These will take place via ZOOM the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m.

The first session at 10 a.m. Jan. 13 will be the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Program presented by Michelle Robinson, IWT Program Manager. The Incumbent Worker Training program helps meet training needs of incumbent workers in Montana’s small businesses.

This program can offset a portion of the training costs for businesses in their efforts to retain workers and improve their workers skills and wages. You may click on this link for more information about this program from the Montana Department of Labor & Industry.

If you have any questions about the upcoming webinars, please call Job Service Sidney at 406-433-1204.

To register in advance for the Jan. 13 webinar

Meeting ID: 988 5839 5412
Passcode: 012823

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

SBA: Montana Business Smart

Learn what it takes to have a successful start up: Register for one of the SBA’s upcoming Montana Business Smart webinars!

IN THESE WORKSHOPS YOU WILL: Gain a basic understanding of the key steps to getting your business off the ground. Learn about various financing options and what banks look for when lending money. Learn about the local resources available to assist you in starting and growing a small business.

  • January 19 – Tuesday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM MST
  • February 16 – Tuesday, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM MST
  • March 16 – Tuesday, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM MDT
  • April 20 – Tuesday, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM MDT
  • May 18 – Tuesday, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM MDT
  • June 15 – Tuesday, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM MDT

*Note: Each workshop consists of three modules (Ready, Set, Go) which are approximately one hour each. A typical workshop takes 3-4 hours with breaks. Participants that complete the entire workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion along with workshop materials and opportunities for additional individual business counseling if requested.

**All workshops are currently being delivered via webinar due to COVID considerations. Future workshops may be conducted at various sites and in person.


  • Martin DeWitt, Senior Area Manager, 406-459-5347 or
  • Andy Shirtliff, Outreach and Marketing Specialist, 406-249-4546 or

Online Opportunities!

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Here are a couple of upcoming educational seminars that might be of interest:

Women Owned Small Business Program Certification

1/14/21, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Free

Want learn more about the Women Owned Small Business program? Getting certified can be a great marketing tool for your business. The SBA’s WOSB program is designed to help provide a level playing field for women business owners. This small business program limits competition for certain contracts in the federal marketplace. This free webinar, will cover the changes to the SBA’s WOSB program, eligibility requirements, certification steps and help you learn if this certification is right for your business.

There is no charge to attend  but registration is required. REGISTER HERE

Patty Cox, CPP, is a government contracting advisor at the University of Montana in Missoula. She helps businesses navigate the government marketplace through one-on-one counseling.

Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) Webinar

1/14/21 2:00 pm: Free

USDA Rural Development staff for a presentation on our Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program which helps helps agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and marketing of new products. The goals of this program are to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities and increase producer income.

We will cover general program information, eligibility requirements and steps to start the application process.

Register here

How to respond to a federal Request for Quote (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP)

1/21/21 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am: FREE

Join the Montana PTAC for a live training on how to respond to a federal Request for Quote and Request for Proposal. Topics include:

  • Where to find federal opportunities
  • Where to find the bid documents
  • How to make a “go no-go” decision
  • Federal standard forms: What are the differences? What information goes where?
  • How do I know what information to submit with my offer?
  • Uniform Contract Format
  • Where do I submit my offer, how, and to whom?
  • General tips and what to watch for
  • Q & A session

To register, CLICK HERE!

Mark Your Calendars: 1st Membership Meeting of 2021!


The first Choteau Chamber Membership meeting will be January 13, 2020 at 12:00pm via Zoom. Please register via Zoom before the meeting at

Thanks to all our 2021 Members who have already paid their dues! If you haven’t yet, you can pay your dues with a credit card at – even if you’d rather pay by check, please fill out the form at that link, and mark that you are paying by cash or check to help us keep our records up to date. Our goal for 2021 is to have 77 dues-paid members by March 31. We are already 114% of the way there!

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin 97 towards the 85 target.97Raised 97 towards the 85 target.114%

Opportunities with Great Falls Development Authority

Help us celebrate all things new at Ignite 2021, presented by PayneWest Insurance! Friday, January 22nd starting at 10:00AM MST we will be virtually hosting entrepreneurs from around the region announcing business startups, expansions, and more. Want to feature your project? Contact Nathan Reiff at or call (406) 403-4937. Projects include business startups, business expansions, real estate developments, and institutional capital projects.


[Business Development Officer]

Great Falls Development Authority


Schedule Counseling