Trade Show Grants Available

What trade shows are you planning for in 2022-2023?  ExportMontana’s programs may be able to help.

Trade Show Assistance Program

If you plan to exhibit at a wholesale trade show in the USA in 2022-2023, you may be eligible for the Trade Show Assistance Program (TSAP).  It must be your first time exhibiting at the trade show, in a different location than the last time you exhibited, or at least 3 years from the last time you exhibited at the show.  The reimbursement is 50% of costs up to $3,000, including up to $500 of travel expenses.

For more information or to apply, visit the TSAP website.  

STEP grant

International trade shows are eligible for ExportMontana’s STEP grant.  While any trade show outside the USA is considered international, there are some trade shows inside the USA that qualify, as long as 10%+ of attendees/buyers are international.  The reimbursement is 50% of costs up to $10,000, plus a $2,000 travel stipend.  

For more information or to apply, visit the STEP website.  

Grants for other international activities

The STEP grant can help with so much more than trade shows, providing a 50% reimbursement up to $10,000 for these international activities: